это идиотизм полнейший, у меня был бан на коменты, лайнап запостить несмог кагбэ о: в попыхах дал манагера игроку который нибумбум в esl, в общем я не удивлён но всё же обидно =(
Rough #1 | 10.10.10 19:32 i'm banned from posting the coments and reports I discovered this today o_o so i couldn't post lineup in time
So i ask you (admins) to not put pp's for this if it's possible :S Rough #2 | 10.10.10 19:43 also I gave manager rights to one of our player to post by him lineup but he's not very known with esl system and he send blank report only with topic but he didn't entered the lineup and he couldn't change it because he had a bug or smth, so he posted it into coments Rough #3 | 11.10.10 07:00 here is link to the match http://www.esl.eu/eu.... cre'x #4 | 21.10.10 17:39 Hello Rough,
we don't punish those kind of problems, but we had to give 1 pp for the delayed post.
Best regards, cre'x, ESL Admin Rough #5 | 21.10.10 23:07 Technically i couldn't post the Lineup so if you woun't mind I'd like to tell you one more opinion that can prove that there is no reason for this pp's: rules says that posting Lineup is obligatory - it's ok i understand this but there is no word about if a player(captain or manager) banned he must post it too. Thereby Lineup must be posted in both cases if a captain is not banned and if a captain BANNED. So if my mind is still clear posting Lineup with comments-ban is impossible and this rule in this situation is braking any wise sense.
If you understood my english please give me your opinion of this situation please.